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10 Ways To Stop Decent Work Ever Making It Out Of Your Agency

Are different, memorable ads still sneaking out of your agency’s door? Then put a stop to it with these 10 foolproof techniques. From brief writing to post-campaign assessment, they’ll help you keep your work bland, generic and forgettable.

1.  Avoid making your proposition single-minded.

Good ads come from distinctive single-minded propositions. So make your proposition broad and vague instead. Get this right and you can nip creativity in the bud, avoiding the awkwardness of having to kill off good ideas later down the line.

HANDY HINT – Use the construction “The smarter way to… [insert product function here]” in your proposition. This makes it sound like it’s single-minded, but actually means more or less nothing. It’s a really effective way to make sure creative thinking stays generic.

e.g. “Heinz Baked Beans. The smarter way to eat lunch.” “ The smarter way to buy books.” “Toyota Auris. The smarter way to drive.”

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