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The wonder and weirdness of going viral.

On 28th March, this website got nominated for a couple of Roses awards. Thanks judges! The next day a few people tweeted about how much they liked my site. Fast forward 10 days and I had hundreds of emails in my inbox, my Linkedin message box was creaking, I had 20 times as many twitter followers and a bloke was on the phone from my hosting provider telling me I’d crashed one of their servers.

Highlights of this 2 weeks of madness included:

A lengthy thread on Hacker News, mentions on It’s Nice That and Hover States.

Praise from Dave Trott.

And this interview with Adweek with the most flattering headline of all time.

But perhaps the nicest thing was getting lovely emails from total strangers, such as this one:

“So, I’m sitting at work on a Saturday (sigh) eating leftovers for lunch and scrolling through my Facebook feed to see how great the lives of my friends are when a link pops up to your site joecoleman.localhost

I’m over the other side of the world, my agency doesn’t need a copywriter and I should really be writing a baby toy brand strategy right now, but I just wanted to take five minutes to say – love your site, man.



Thanks everyone. It’s been a lot of fun.